The Fitness Journey of One Post Pregnancy Woman

Meet Elizabeth, a new mom, fervently seeking to reclaim her fitness and boost her overall wellbeing after having her baby in the calm suburbs of Northglenn, CO. Her journey certainly wasn’t straight forward, but with a dedicated and disciplined regime targeting post pregnancy exercise, she was able to achieve her goal.

The Personal Training Regime

With the guidance of a personal trainer from Core Progression Personal Training, she began her mission to regain her fitness. Customized workouts specifically designed to deal with her postnatal body challenges were implemented. While living in Austin, TX, her training regime took into account the need to carefully recover while efficiently getting back into shape. Progress was steady but rewarding.

Prenatal Journey in Downtown Denver, CO

What’s the most extraordinary is Elizabeth actually began her prenatal fitness journey with Core Progression during her earlier days in Downtown Denver, CO. She confessed that her prenatal exercises played a significant role in her post pregnancy recovery and overall journey back to fitness.

Title: Prenatal and Post Pregnancy Exercise